Dr. Nesar Ahmad
Nesar Ahmad is founder Director of Budget Analysis and Research Centre (BARC) Trust. Previously he has worked with Astha, CBGA and Indian Social Institute among others. He has long experience in research, advocacy, and training and working with various civil society networks. Nesar has worked in the areas of social policy issues like mining induced displacement and its impact on women; impact of the economic liberalization on the poor, women and children; and analysis of government budgets with a pro-poor, pro-people perspective, including local government budgets. He is a trainer on GRB, Panchayat Budget and Planning, Development induced Displacement and issues. His PhD was on ‘Gender, Technology and Institutions in Indian Coal Mining Industry: An Evolutionary Perspective’ from the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. He obtained his Maters in Social Work, from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.
Some of his publications include:
Gender Responsive Budget Process and Marginalised Women: A Study in India, Bangladesh and Nepal, 2015, BARC, Jaipur
Status of Gender Responsive Budget in Rajasthan (Hindi), 2014, BARC, Jaipur
Status of Gender Responsive Budget in Rajasthan (English), 2013, BARC, Jaipur
Women, Mining and Displacement (2003), a book by Indian Social Institute, New Delhi
Book Chapters:
“Gender Responsive Budget and Policies towards Women of Marginalized Communities” in Rahore et.al. (ed.) (2021), Women and Diversity, New Delhi
“Community Monitoring of Right to Education: A Case of Udaipur District” (Co-authored with Mahendra Singh Rao and Hariom Soni) in Jha Praveen & Rani, P. Geetha (eds.) (2016) Right to Education in India: Resources, Institutions and Public Policy, Rautledge, New Delhi
“Colonial Legislation in Post-colonial Times” in Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala (ed.) (2014), The Coal Nation, Ashgate, England & USA
“Gender in Coal Mining Induced Displacement and Rehablitation in Jharkhand” with Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt in Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala (ed.) (2014), The Coal Nation, Ashgate, England & USA
“Considering gender in SIA” with Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt, in Vanclay, F. & Esteves, A.M. (eds) (2011) New Directions in Social Impact Assessment: Conceptual and Methodological Advances, Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar. ISBN 978 1 84980 117 1
“Poverty and Food Security in Rajasthan after Globlisation” in Acharya, S S; Singh, Surjit and Sagar, Vidya (Eds.) Sustainable Agriculture, Poverty and Food security, Jaipur,
Study Reports, Manuals and Policy Briefs:
“25 Years of PESA: Slow Progress in Rajasthan” 2022, Budget Analysis and Research Centre, Jaipur
विमुक्त, घुमन्तू एवं अर्द्धघुमन्तू जातियां और सतत विकास लक्ष्यः मुद्दे, नीति, बजट एवं योजनाएं (Denotified, Nomadic and Seminomadic Communities and SDGs: Issues, Policies, Budget and Programmes), 2022, BARC Trust, Jaipur
“राजस्थान में टिड्डी फ़सल ख़राबा: दशा और दिशा”, 2021, CECOEDECON, Jaipur
Implementation of National Food Security Act in Rajasthan, 2020, CECOEDECON, Jaipur
पंचायत बजट तथा पंचायतों की आय के स्रोत, 2018, Astha, Udaipur
“Transparency in the State Budget of Rajasthan: An assessment at state and district levels”, 2019, BARC-Astha
Budget Transparency at District Level in Rajasthan: A Case Study (with Tushar Dhara), a publication by BARC-Astha
Papers Published:
Rajasthan Budget 2023-24: Announcements Useful and Aplenty, Will There be Effective Implementation?, 2023, available on https://www.newsclick.in/rajasthan-budget-2023-24-announcements-useful-and-plenty-will-there-be-effective-implementation
Budget 2023-24: Leaving the Marginalised Behind!, 2023 available on: https://www.newsclick.in/Budget-2023-24-Leaving-Marginalised-Behind
Union Budget: No Increase in Allocations for Marginalised Communities Despite Country Lagging Behind in SDGs, 2022, available on: https://www.newsclick.in/Union-Budget-No-Increase-Allocations-Marginalised-Communities-Despite-Country-Lagging-Behind-SDGs
“Rights, Entitlements and Covid-19: Experience and Learning” in the special issue of Indian Journal of Social Work, TISS, Mumbai Vol. 82, No. 2 (2021)
“Union Budget 2021-22: Nothing much on offer for mrginalised communities” available on https://www.newsclick.in/union-budget-2021-22-nothing-offer-mrginalised-communities
“India’s Irony: Women Remain Marginal to Gender Budgets” available on: https://www.theleaflet.in/indias-irony-women-remain-marginal-to-gender-budgets/
EIA 2020: पर्यावरणीय हितों की अनदेखी औद्योगिक हितों को तरजीह (Prioritizing Industrial Interests over the environmental interests) on Newsclik.in
Kota Infant Deaths and Rajasthan’s Dwindling Health Budgets, 2020, available on: https://www.newsclick.in/Kota-Infant-Deaths-and-Rajasthan-Dwindling-Health-Budgets
“Status of Implementation of TSP and SC-SP in Rajasthan” published in Budget Track, July 2013, CBGA, New Delhi
“Land Acquisition and Dispossession: Private Coal Companies in Jharkhand” with Kulatala Lahiri-Dutt and Radhika Krishnana, in Economic and Political Weekly, February 11, 2012
“Engendering Mining Communities: Examining the Missing Gender concerns in Coal Mining Displacement and Rehabilitation in India” (2006) in ‘Gender, Technology and Development’ (Vol 10, No. 3), a Sage Journal, co-authored with Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt, ANU
“Process of Rehabilitation and Women: Missing Concerns” in Women’s Link, October – December 2003, New Delhi